
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Summary and notes of #bitcoinconf Berlin 2015 #daily


#keynote @ChrisOdom Founder Monetas
Bitcoin is a black swan
Banks are facing a uber-type situation with bitcoin.
Gold, salt, tabacco, bitcoin

#Colored Coins by @coinprism @FlavienCharlon Founder
Colored coins in practice:
Add second value to btc
Store any asset on btc blockchain
Take minimum amount of btc to store and transport other assets

Use cases: 
IPO, goldcoin, loyalty oints, 
smart properties (colored coin wallet works as a car key)
Revenue share

Send assets around the world
Low fees
Secured by btc blockchain
No need to buy alt-coin like ripple, nxt, bitshares, ethereum etc.
Mastercoin and counterparty are using different protocols
Colored Coins are based on the openassets protocol:

#demo Issue your own colored coin with coinprism:
Setup your own coin within minutes
Direct sale feature 
Crowd sale feature to run your own marketplace to sell your coins
Voting feature based on (proof of ownership)

#Future of Money @Ferdinando1970 Ametrano
Btc usage is flat over the last 3 years
Non-discretionary hayek money

#Blockchain use cases @PeterKirby @Factom
Everyone talks about the blockchain revolution, but where are the examples?
Factom offers a platform to set
I.e. Uber for shipping containers

#SoundWallet cold storage @TheoGoodman
Store your private key on vinyl or a CD in an audio file

#Education JeremyGardner @Augur @disruptepreneur
CCN college cryptocurrency network
Generation Blockchain
This apps will make btc not suck: Bitwage, xendit, augur, bitpesa

Mafia showed up

My todos:
1 check monetas to setup colored coins
2 followup and maybe invest in coinprism
3 check out factom crownsale at coinify
4 @Paul checkout CCN college cryptocurrency network, introduced by Jeremy Gardner boost alumni
5 check Bitwage, xendit, augur, bitpesa
6 satoshis last will film - check funding with

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Summary and notes of 3d printing conference berlin 2015 #i3dpconf #daily notes

#keynote2 - 3DP reinvents toys and everything @MarkTrageser
FounderKram-Co Inc

Apps and toys to play 3D:
Robot nation
Hero forge
The 3d printing factory
Hasbro & shapeways my little pony

Growing mtoy arkets:
Drones, robots, 3dprint
Dices on shapeways
Electric paper plane = 3dp+ + amazon

Prototypes: with 3d print you can make any prototype any time again and again
Quality Speed 500%
Make ANYTHING you can dream of!!

No tooling, no shipping, warehousing, lead time
No choices make them all,
No retailer, sales, no trend changes

Customize everything
Re-imagine any existing thing!

Dont ask what is 3dp is for, just tell me what you want and I will make it.

"Local motors" first tech startup printed a car with 3dp
Best time to be an inventor from 0-90
Everyone is qualified for this

#Keynote1 - additive manufacturing @FranzJosefVillmer
Professor of Product Development

3rd industrial revolution:
Longtail of manufacturing
Democratization of production

Advantages of additive manufacturing:
Combination of different technologies
Sustainability: reduction on energy, Using green energy
Shipment of data not goods

Free 3D CAD systems:
Art of illusion
Google sketchup
Lego digital designer

Hybrid machines: Dmg, hermle

AM is a game changer but not the replacement of traditional manufacturing today!

#Screen printing 3d - going to mass production of metal parts
@OlafAndersen Frauenhofer

#How to select the right apps in 3DP
@JurgenLaudus @Materialise
#Rapid Tooling with additive manufacturing
@ThomasLueck cirp gmbh

#examing the myth of 3dp
@OlafDiegel Lund University

>Complexity of a part decides if it should be 3dp
>Customization is the main driver for 3dp 

some Examples
Clip on wheels
Rifle suppressor
E-nable hand

3dp will not replace conventional- it is complementary to /manufacturing
Yes, every home will have a 3dp for hobbys
Will never be used for home manufacturing

#added design value @LionelDean FutureFactories
Art which can only be made by 3dp

#open source in 3d printing @AlexanderHafner Makerbot
Everyone can access local production via 3dp
Like airbnb for printers
12k printers in network

#my todos
1 setup micromanufactory with

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