
Monday, December 14, 2015

Summary and my votes of GTEC demoday #daily notes @chatshopper @mindmathics @papermine

@mindmathics 3/4
AI as a service for customer care
125k raising

@ubeeko 2/4
Data analytics

@papermine 3/4
Content marketing platform

@uvisio 2/4
Solar detector wearable

@visiontech 1/4
Marketplace for machine vision

@heili 2/4
AI cloud management

@konetik 3/4
Car sensor

@chatshopper 4/4
Ecommerce via messenger

@zoomsquare 2/4
real estate search engine

@BenjaminButton 1/4
Wearable camcoder for kids

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Summary demoday startupbootcamp #daily notes 4/4
Dirk Albhorn
450 from 21 nations working just for stock options
470 interested investors
11M work for equity
12M land from community
start building in 2016
Starting in Quqy Valley
Fundraising 3/4
Container shipping

@Stickables 2/4
Parking sensor for cars
Gps, tire presure to vome

@BikeID 2/4
Invisible Tag your bike to get it back if stolen

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Summary Techstars demo day #daily notes

@Akdemia 2/4
School management like moodles
$1 student/month

@stagelinkTweet 2/4
Ticket sales for youtuber
>feature for ticketmaster 1/4
Internet Network performance management
>not my topic

@jibjib 1/4
Mobile payment system for Iran
>why not bitcoin

@Treev 2/4
Teamwork cloud consolidation
>to many solutions

@sidestage 3/4
Book a musican online
airbnb for live music

@preply 2/4
Tutoring marketplace
>to many

@avemus 3/4
Farm management Cloud solution
Setup + subscription

@eversport 3/4
Sport booking platform
Airbnb for sports

@appinside 2/4
Security for apps

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Summary and notes of #bitcoinconf Berlin 2015 #daily


#keynote @ChrisOdom Founder Monetas
Bitcoin is a black swan
Banks are facing a uber-type situation with bitcoin.
Gold, salt, tabacco, bitcoin

#Colored Coins by @coinprism @FlavienCharlon Founder
Colored coins in practice:
Add second value to btc
Store any asset on btc blockchain
Take minimum amount of btc to store and transport other assets

Use cases: 
IPO, goldcoin, loyalty oints, 
smart properties (colored coin wallet works as a car key)
Revenue share

Send assets around the world
Low fees
Secured by btc blockchain
No need to buy alt-coin like ripple, nxt, bitshares, ethereum etc.
Mastercoin and counterparty are using different protocols
Colored Coins are based on the openassets protocol:

#demo Issue your own colored coin with coinprism:
Setup your own coin within minutes
Direct sale feature 
Crowd sale feature to run your own marketplace to sell your coins
Voting feature based on (proof of ownership)

#Future of Money @Ferdinando1970 Ametrano
Btc usage is flat over the last 3 years
Non-discretionary hayek money

#Blockchain use cases @PeterKirby @Factom
Everyone talks about the blockchain revolution, but where are the examples?
Factom offers a platform to set
I.e. Uber for shipping containers

#SoundWallet cold storage @TheoGoodman
Store your private key on vinyl or a CD in an audio file

#Education JeremyGardner @Augur @disruptepreneur
CCN college cryptocurrency network
Generation Blockchain
This apps will make btc not suck: Bitwage, xendit, augur, bitpesa

Mafia showed up

My todos:
1 check monetas to setup colored coins
2 followup and maybe invest in coinprism
3 check out factom crownsale at coinify
4 @Paul checkout CCN college cryptocurrency network, introduced by Jeremy Gardner boost alumni
5 check Bitwage, xendit, augur, bitpesa
6 satoshis last will film - check funding with

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Summary and notes of 3d printing conference berlin 2015 #i3dpconf #daily notes

#keynote2 - 3DP reinvents toys and everything @MarkTrageser
FounderKram-Co Inc

Apps and toys to play 3D:
Robot nation
Hero forge
The 3d printing factory
Hasbro & shapeways my little pony

Growing mtoy arkets:
Drones, robots, 3dprint
Dices on shapeways
Electric paper plane = 3dp+ + amazon

Prototypes: with 3d print you can make any prototype any time again and again
Quality Speed 500%
Make ANYTHING you can dream of!!

No tooling, no shipping, warehousing, lead time
No choices make them all,
No retailer, sales, no trend changes

Customize everything
Re-imagine any existing thing!

Dont ask what is 3dp is for, just tell me what you want and I will make it.

"Local motors" first tech startup printed a car with 3dp
Best time to be an inventor from 0-90
Everyone is qualified for this

#Keynote1 - additive manufacturing @FranzJosefVillmer
Professor of Product Development

3rd industrial revolution:
Longtail of manufacturing
Democratization of production

Advantages of additive manufacturing:
Combination of different technologies
Sustainability: reduction on energy, Using green energy
Shipment of data not goods

Free 3D CAD systems:
Art of illusion
Google sketchup
Lego digital designer

Hybrid machines: Dmg, hermle

AM is a game changer but not the replacement of traditional manufacturing today!

#Screen printing 3d - going to mass production of metal parts
@OlafAndersen Frauenhofer

#How to select the right apps in 3DP
@JurgenLaudus @Materialise
#Rapid Tooling with additive manufacturing
@ThomasLueck cirp gmbh

#examing the myth of 3dp
@OlafDiegel Lund University

>Complexity of a part decides if it should be 3dp
>Customization is the main driver for 3dp 

some Examples
Clip on wheels
Rifle suppressor
E-nable hand

3dp will not replace conventional- it is complementary to /manufacturing
Yes, every home will have a 3dp for hobbys
Will never be used for home manufacturing

#added design value @LionelDean FutureFactories
Art which can only be made by 3dp

#open source in 3d printing @AlexanderHafner Makerbot
Everyone can access local production via 3dp
Like airbnb for printers
12k printers in network

#my todos
1 setup micromanufactory with

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