
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pitches at pnpexpo #daily notes @mavia @smartbox @cardskin @Spreadd

My notes and votes. >2 means I would probably invest.

@Prepay 2/4
Loyalty mobile solution 2/4
1.5m self funded

@bazar 2/4
Market place for free android apps
19k developers

@cachatto 1/4
Security solution for b2b mobile users

@rangg 2/4
Top10 list meets amen

@ifollow 2/4

App platform for mobile apps

@smartbox 3/4
Social TV experience
TV appstore

@wazapp 3/4
Pandora for events
Great design on website

@graymatics 2/4
Realtime video recognition infrastructure

@pixowl 2/4
Family mobile games platform

@decisyon 2/4
Platform to customize cloud apps

@nomad3d 1/4
Power saver



@cardskin 3/4
Casual reading
Cards to summarize a book
Great pitch

@gledit 2/4
Augmented reality meets online advertising

@GVN 2/4
Tele presence / video conferencing platform

@monkeycontact 2/4
Contact management solution

@secludIT 1/4
Security solution for cloud services

@Spreadd 3/4
Better collaboration
Observer of cloudservices what people are doing
Oposite of Chatter socialcast chatter (no tagging, sorting, reporting-
just obeserving and matching)

@Phroni 2/4
New Smart phone browsing experience

@Yappoint 2/4
Appointment platform for service providers and customers

@vidquik 2/4
Frustrated in webex and gotomeeting?

@mavia 3/4
Mobile solution for Connected car
Oil change, where is car, emergency,
Crowdsourcing solution
Internet of things IOT

@shopwell 2/4
Mobile app to shop right products

#Todos voting system via text sms
Try to be different then to be better. Matt Miller MD Walden Venture Capital

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