
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

13 pitches from #Founder showcase Thefunded: evenues snapshop #globumbus

#Founder showcase Thefunded
Great pitch event, top candidates, professional judge, big audiance.

Here the candidates with my personal votes out of 4 points. Official
winner are evenues and snapshop. They all looking for funding!

#cloudcanvas 2/4
Saas tools

#breakthrough 2/4

#monstrous 1/4
Social music game platform

#evenues 3/4
Expedia for Meeting rooms

#koitunes 1/4
Social music platform

#memetales 2/4
Youtube Children stories

#vsee 2/4
Video collaboration system

#trueinsider 1/4
Anonymous reviews and feedback for employees and companies

#salesportal 2/4
Online auction of telephone lead generation

#snapshop 3/4
New Mobile Ecommerce solution with foto and social integration

#amahi 1/4
software platform?? Don't get it

#heliograph 2/4
Make websites faster (like akamai)
Caching, local, compression

#puzzazz 2/4
Saas Casual game for puzzles


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