
Friday, November 13, 2009

All about Crowdsourcing and Cloud Work

Because I believe in collective intelligence, here an overview about crowdsourcing:
What are some of the buzzwords that are commonly used when talking about groups of people working for you? Who should use crowdsourcing? How do you build it out? etc..
Read this:

List of crowsourcing providers (>70 tools)

Summary and Status Quo
Crowdsourcing: Opinions Managed
Paid Crowdsourcing – On-Demand Workers in the Cloud
How do Crowdsourced Workers Feel?

All my blogs regarding crowdsourcing:

Crowdsourced Song Created by YouTubers - I’ve Got Nothing:

1 comment:

Ralf Belusa said...

magnificent Documents about CrowdSourcing, CloudWork & Money Thomas. Thank You!
