
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Is Software eating Agriculture? - AgTech update 1/2016

Summary & my notes about Farm&Food 4.0 #AgTech #farmfood40

- I was happy to see the topic in Germany
- Keese gave an entertaining speech about SiliconValley but missed the update on agriculture
- no news about agtech at all
- no top level visions for the global future of agtech
- focus on Germany and Europe, even if it is a global topic
- no agtech startups presented
- even the term AgTech wasn't used ones
> Germany in my eyes is behind for at least three years
>> Here are our updates on AgTech:

#welcome @MaximilianLoebbecke GF 365FarmNet
Agriculture is moving away from always bigger to precise & specific actions

@ChristophKeese digitalisierung in der landwirtschaft - Axel Springer
disruption, platform, 
The new Hippies disrupting the world.
95% dying rate for disrupted companies Clayton Christensen.
Best strategy is to invest in your disrupt rival.  
> What does that mean for agriculture? - "I have no idea" ;)

@StefanHentschel @SteffenKramer - Digitalisierung Agrarindustrie - Google
Digitalization is not correction, it i"all or nothing"
You can't opt out, it will happen. global demand workshop for digitalization
> no case studies in agriculture yet

Europe = 510M market place
>worries about cellphone coverage and security

@KasparHaller Landwirt 

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 
