
Thursday, October 27, 2016

summary of #PnPexpo materials, retail, fintech #btc

Plugandplay expo materials, retail, fintech

#Meterial startup pitches
@Cerahelix winner of new materials 

Plastic pollution recycling

health tracking via sweat

#Retail startup pitches
@kwik 3/4
Button to order online

@6dbytes 2/4
Robot to prepaire smoothies and healthy food

@benchmark intelligence 2/4
In store customer experience

@memomi 3/4 T
Smart mirror

@gofind 2/4
Ecommerce Searchengine based on photos

@vonbismarck 2/4
The Mall - ecommerce marketplace on TV via xbox, 

@gravy analytivs 2/4
Mobile location events

@queuehop T
Self checkout label in retail stores

Smart security event recognition cam

@talkable 3/4 T
Refer friends program for ecommerce

@privme 2/4
Shopping club with AI recommendations

@Sparo 2/4
Charity at checkout

@SwiftIQ 2/4
Dashboards for POS optimization

@OakLabs 3/4 T
Connected store platform
Tech, data, 
Optimize Dollars per minute per m2

#fintech startup pitches

@Bpmilne Keynote 
Ben Milne about @dwolla
Api for banking startups or to transfer money (Like twilio for banking)
Not blockchain based, just connected to some blockchain services
No btc

@nuco 4/4
Enterprise blockchain infrastructure
Like aws for blockchain
Power decentralized infrastructure
? Based on ethereum
! Fundraizing

@Dobot 2/4
Personal financial advisor app
No btc

@Ccobox 2/4
Compliance as a service for money laundry
AI for traditional banks

@Eximchain 3/4
credit score on blockchain for import export companies

Instrument capital 2/4

@Shopinbox 2/4
Automate Credit card benefits
Price gurantee, protection etc

@Sizeup 1/4
Business analytics for smbs

#a @Tierion 3/4
Blockchain proof engine
Verifying data for iot, insurance, pharma, audit

@Flowcast 1/4
Api for b2b financing (pay later..)
No btc

@Lenny credit inc 1/4
Consumer credits via mobile

@Trunomi 1/4
Digital personal rights
No btc, propriotory

@TheSunExchange 3/4
Solarcoin exchange platform
Invest in african solar panel via crowdfunding
Blockchain based
#a intro to stepsforchildren, no namibia
Fundraizing 3/4
Global trade blockchain network

@RedeockBiometrics 1/4
Biometric authentication system based on camera and your hand

@Vault 1/4
Retirement investing via automated portfolio management as whitelabel solution for businesses 

@xPressTap T
POS Checkout via your phone

@Tradle 4/4
KYC on blockchain
Fundraizing series A

@Vintra 2/4
Search engine for video surveillance
Crowdsourced data

@Stellar 1/4
Move money without blockchain? Wtf

@Shocard 3/4
Identity check based on blockchain
Pin + fingerprint + facescan + id
? Tracktion

@Netki 3/4
Verisign for blockchains
Routing names for btc keys

Trade signals from market noise
Disrupt investment research

1a followup with scott robinson for gtec blockchain award

2a connect george damouny 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Vertical farming avf summit #daily notes

Vertical farming avf summit

@howard brin
Whitepaoer State of VF
Market size 

@ReGen Villages
James Ehrlich
Tesla for real estate

Marc Duno
Aquaponics farm in amsterdam

Eating Insects
Peter Bickerton

Kasper Moreaux
Mushroom spawn farming

Paul Hardej
Vertical Farming Construction

1) Inter-farm-market
2) Govegan
3) Impacktfarm

@indoor harvest
John Choo
Build an indoor farm

Fabio Ziemssen

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 

Reach me:
email, hangout, skype: thomashessler
mobile: +49 173 6111884
US: +1 415 335 9843 

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Friday, April 22, 2016

Algaviva Algen Congress #AgTech


Algen sind reich an:
proteinen, ballaststoffen, omega3, vitamine, hohe naehrstoffdichte, antioxidantien, antibakteriell, 

Algen als Lebensmittel
@Joerg Ullmann
Algen produzieren 50% des Sauerstoffs
10-30 mal schmeller wachsend als landpflanzen
2% wasserflaeche der erde um 10Mrd menschen zu ernaehren
In 70% aller lebensmittel stecken algen
Carotenoid 10000 eur / kilo staerkstes antioxidant
Chlorella / spirulina vitamin B12

Bauen PhotoBioreaktoren fuer Algen
Seit 77 tagen am markt
Gbex marktplatz
500g pro Tag bei 1000 liter
6kg trockenpulver alle 14 tage

@GF piping systems

Algenproduktion nicht wirtschaftlich
Verkauf in produkten mit mehrwerten
Chatshop fuer superfoods

Mint in meetup einladen

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 

Reach me:
email, hangout, skype: thomashessler
mobile: +49 173 6111884
US: +1 415 335 9843 

Follow me: 

Meet me: 

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Berlin Startup Academy summary and votes 1st session #daily notes

iCombine 2/4
Competitor analysis? Linkedin, silp
Do you know the market? 

ProjectTogether 2/4
Community problem solving app
Like betterplace, schlagloecher, donations, funding, voting, ... Hundreds of causes
No specific problem nor customer segment 
Competitor analysis!

Polygem 2/4
Collaborative Music making app 
Needs to do competitor analyzis
There are many apps out there

Ocolin Solutions 3/4
Johann Barbie
Smart contracts for regulated processes
Pitch to technically
Why not on btc blockchain?
Dont start with platform
Focus on one use case you have access
Not a pitch, a lecture

RealPD 1/4
Real estate project management
To many things, no focus
Typical solution without a problem

Swapp 1/4
Energy Price comparison
To much text
Didnt Understand the problem
Customer Value?
Why should I?
App for comparison?

-time keeper
-clear agenda
-Instant feedback in google spreadsheet from each group member
-Start always with a lecture on a topic to give clear guidiance
-logo on every pitch slide

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 

Reach me:
email, hangout, skype: thomashessler

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Thursday, April 14, 2016

Summar demoday european pioneers #daily notes

European Pioneers

My notes and votes out of 4 points probably to invest: 2/4
Water and energy from natural ressources via minifabs
-expensive project

@Change alert 2/4
Health tracking
Dignisen health tracker
IoT sensors
-crowded market 2/4
Language learning platform
-to crowded

@RezGuru  3/4
Restaurant delivery and reservations middleware
Like amadeus for travel
2500 restaurants connected
+great opportunity
-difficult sales

@Beaconinside 3/4
IoT platform
+great opportunity

@audiotube 3/4
Music distribution via blockchain
Scott de Mercado
+great new way

@fitfuly 2/4
Shoe size measure via iphone
-smal market

@tracktiks 2/4
Moneyball for evey coach
Sensor and software
-smal market

@chopchop 2/4
AI Cooking guide to optimize multiple cooking
-content self created 2/4
Social content analytics
-hard to monetize

@dooWapp 3/4
Music messenger
Send a message with music
+could become kind snapchat

@infarm 4/4
Urban vertical indoor farming

@splash 3/4
360 video VR app
won SXSW VR award

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 

Reach me:
email, hangout, skype: thomashessler

Follow me: 

Meet me: 

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Is Software eating Agriculture? - AgTech update 1/2016

Summary & my notes about Farm&Food 4.0 #AgTech #farmfood40

- I was happy to see the topic in Germany
- Keese gave an entertaining speech about SiliconValley but missed the update on agriculture
- no news about agtech at all
- no top level visions for the global future of agtech
- focus on Germany and Europe, even if it is a global topic
- no agtech startups presented
- even the term AgTech wasn't used ones
> Germany in my eyes is behind for at least three years
>> Here are our updates on AgTech:

#welcome @MaximilianLoebbecke GF 365FarmNet
Agriculture is moving away from always bigger to precise & specific actions

@ChristophKeese digitalisierung in der landwirtschaft - Axel Springer
disruption, platform, 
The new Hippies disrupting the world.
95% dying rate for disrupted companies Clayton Christensen.
Best strategy is to invest in your disrupt rival.  
> What does that mean for agriculture? - "I have no idea" ;)

@StefanHentschel @SteffenKramer - Digitalisierung Agrarindustrie - Google
Digitalization is not correction, it i"all or nothing"
You can't opt out, it will happen. global demand workshop for digitalization
> no case studies in agriculture yet

Europe = 510M market place
>worries about cellphone coverage and security

@KasparHaller Landwirt 

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 
