navigation crowdsourcing app
crowd powered media
crowd powered carrier performance 3/4
Aggregates the most important parts of an website to rdeuce, like a
pagerank within a page
#crowdsourcing love it
@hugenergy 2/4
Web app to Track, cut and share your energy usage
#iot Serious problem, maybe hard to monetize
@adku 3/4
Behavior targeting with real time data analytics to optimize adds
#another promize. Need to see results
@eggcartell 3/4
Social mobile commerce platform (craigslist + ebay + yahoo groups) by
just taking pictures with your mobile phone. Leverage your social
graph to sell something
Mobile payment, geo support,
- 1000 users after 9 weeks
@alltrails 2/4
Recommendation platform for outdoor activities
@curated 3/4
Collect and organize real-time news into topics
#globumbus tracking ?
@rollCall 2/4
Mobile app to organize casuall get togethers
Signup for beta at
@Mopub 3/4
Mobile ad server, helping app developers to monetize their apps
- not fundraising yet
Competitors: Satx, nasdaq portal, sharespost
Why is it great?
-attract employees (they can sell equity/sop earlier)
-Raises capital
-Option not to go public
-Good alternative to get lequidity
-Stay private longer
-Control your destiny (its not private or public)
Model is regulated by SEC
-Only accredited investors are allowed to buy on secondmarket.
-They are not allowed to advertise prices etc
-more then 500 shareholders = public listed
-you can control, who and when buys your stocks
-you choose, who sees your sensitive information
-system is designed for all sizes
- they sign up with the company and work with them
400mio trade volume since 2008
Transaction fee 2-4%
Going public should not like turning on a switch
It should be a slow process
Existing stock market is broken:
You need 10 years to get your money back
No exits, no angels, no innovations
Time to go public from 6 to 9 years
Holding from 5 years 1970 to less then 1 year 2010
No one is pushing smal companies
Public markets are broken
Asset classes @ secondMarket
-Restricted securities
-auction rate securities
-bankruptcy claims
-lp interests
-company stock
Sent from my mobile device
Thomas Hessler
Founder zanox, Globumbus & Angel Investor
Berlin Checkpoint Charlie
Friedrichstraße 50
10117 Berlin
email, skype, msn, Gtalk:
Global mobile: +49 173 6111884
US mobile: +1 415 335 9843
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