
Friday, April 22, 2016

Algaviva Algen Congress #AgTech


Algen sind reich an:
proteinen, ballaststoffen, omega3, vitamine, hohe naehrstoffdichte, antioxidantien, antibakteriell, 

Algen als Lebensmittel
@Joerg Ullmann
Algen produzieren 50% des Sauerstoffs
10-30 mal schmeller wachsend als landpflanzen
2% wasserflaeche der erde um 10Mrd menschen zu ernaehren
In 70% aller lebensmittel stecken algen
Carotenoid 10000 eur / kilo staerkstes antioxidant
Chlorella / spirulina vitamin B12

Bauen PhotoBioreaktoren fuer Algen
Seit 77 tagen am markt
Gbex marktplatz
500g pro Tag bei 1000 liter
6kg trockenpulver alle 14 tage

@GF piping systems

Algenproduktion nicht wirtschaftlich
Verkauf in produkten mit mehrwerten
Chatshop fuer superfoods

Mint in meetup einladen

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 

Reach me:
email, hangout, skype: thomashessler
mobile: +49 173 6111884
US: +1 415 335 9843 

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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Berlin Startup Academy summary and votes 1st session #daily notes

iCombine 2/4
Competitor analysis? Linkedin, silp
Do you know the market? 

ProjectTogether 2/4
Community problem solving app
Like betterplace, schlagloecher, donations, funding, voting, ... Hundreds of causes
No specific problem nor customer segment 
Competitor analysis!

Polygem 2/4
Collaborative Music making app 
Needs to do competitor analyzis
There are many apps out there

Ocolin Solutions 3/4
Johann Barbie
Smart contracts for regulated processes
Pitch to technically
Why not on btc blockchain?
Dont start with platform
Focus on one use case you have access
Not a pitch, a lecture

RealPD 1/4
Real estate project management
To many things, no focus
Typical solution without a problem

Swapp 1/4
Energy Price comparison
To much text
Didnt Understand the problem
Customer Value?
Why should I?
App for comparison?

-time keeper
-clear agenda
-Instant feedback in google spreadsheet from each group member
-Start always with a lecture on a topic to give clear guidiance
-logo on every pitch slide

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 

Reach me:
email, hangout, skype: thomashessler

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Meet me: 

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Summar demoday european pioneers #daily notes

European Pioneers

My notes and votes out of 4 points probably to invest: 2/4
Water and energy from natural ressources via minifabs
-expensive project

@Change alert 2/4
Health tracking
Dignisen health tracker
IoT sensors
-crowded market 2/4
Language learning platform
-to crowded

@RezGuru  3/4
Restaurant delivery and reservations middleware
Like amadeus for travel
2500 restaurants connected
+great opportunity
-difficult sales

@Beaconinside 3/4
IoT platform
+great opportunity

@audiotube 3/4
Music distribution via blockchain
Scott de Mercado
+great new way

@fitfuly 2/4
Shoe size measure via iphone
-smal market

@tracktiks 2/4
Moneyball for evey coach
Sensor and software
-smal market

@chopchop 2/4
AI Cooking guide to optimize multiple cooking
-content self created 2/4
Social content analytics
-hard to monetize

@dooWapp 3/4
Music messenger
Send a message with music
+could become kind snapchat

@infarm 4/4
Urban vertical indoor farming

@splash 3/4
360 video VR app
won SXSW VR award

Thomas Hessler
Dad | CEO | Founder @UFOstart @Globumbus @zanox | Angel Investor 

Reach me:
email, hangout, skype: thomashessler

Follow me: 

Meet me: 

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