Chris Dixon @cdixon

Good ideas that look like badbideas
like google, airbnb, ebay
Crowded, non monetizable,
= Left-over business
You only can do it, if you know a secret.
Working 1000 hours on a thing and find the secret.
Know tools better than anyone else, Like: dropbox,
Know the problems better than anyone else: Kickstarter (worked on it 10 years)
Draw from your unique life experience: Sideadvisor, pinterest
Powerfull people dismiss them as toys:
-Telephone, skype,
They unbundle functions done by others:
-Newspapers by twitter, craigslist,..
-Universities by Udacity
Did it originate as ahobby?
Is it creepy in a way?
-Airbnb, flickr, ebay, facebook
How I got this secret: trial and error
Sent from my iPad
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